Defected Creator
One of the creators defected and walked away from their duties to go scavenge all of Inner Eye and find their own fate. On his many excursions he defends the fishes he creates and the fishes in turn protect and refuse to leave him. On one of the scavenging hunts he perished to an unknown source of power and at some point far later in time the Visionairs stumbled upon his body. They used their mystic abilities and alchemy to create a home within the body which got revived in the process. Through deep appreciation for the chance at life again, the creator lets the Visionairs live within him and in return they provide him mystic abilities and close bonds through psychic connection. Together they walk Inner Eye in search of new pathways towards their fate. Along with them they have their 2 close mystic bumblebugs who provide a multitude of services like lighting up the dark, detection of hostiles within a large range, multitude of gasses ranging from sleeping Gas, acid gas, psychedelic gas and many more. Together they try to experience life and find meaning within it. Their trustful enchanted pipe with hand pointer charm shows which way their fate tells them to be. They smoke the pipe and the smoke leads the way.
Created with acrylics, gold leaf and paintmarkers on wooden board,
year: 2021